Have you ever wondered why you are not promoted or you have attracted many mediocre colleagues? Are you irritated for no reason? Let’s explore why and how to reverse this situation to become a positive person. First, take a step back. Think about what causes you to become negative, irritable or impatient. What reactions do you have when you are either in a strongly negative situation or someone is doing you wrong?

This exercise is intended as a self-evaluation. Try to examine your actions and behaviors. How could these actions, or inactions, influence other people’s reactions? You’ll find that the way you look at the situation could have a big impact on your reactions. For example, if you areworking towards new goals or making progress, and need to make a decision on how to implement something in your workplace, how would you react if your team is unhappy about something, and you won’t take steps to resolve it? Asking help form a team is appropriate for this situation.

Tie actions that you are taking, actions physical or mental, to how you are affecting another person. This will help you to examine your actions and identify those you find unnecessary.

How would your reactions change if my co-workers believed in me and believed that I treated them with dignity, and in a timely fashion? How would I respond if I received good work, at a decent rate, and was recognized? How would I react if my co-workers congratulate me for minor accomplishments?

It is likely that you beexumped when someone publicly takes the credit for something you have accomplished. If you keep that perception of yourself, it will cause other people to do the same. But it may be time to take a look at where you are coming from. Take a look at the situation from a different perspective.

You can either defend what you do, or let it go. I find that it is often used when a co-worker has done something wrong to a customer, and the customer now has a credit history with your company or has done business with you in the past. Your sales contact may have done something that your company does not have a policy on. By learning to take care of it, or not deal with it, you are demonstrating that you care about your customers. You may feel that he/she is taking advantage of a situation, but it truly is your sells contact is an asset in your company, where he/she is working hard to see a need.

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You must take a look at what your actions are. When do you find yourself being impatient or talking about problems in a way that shows you don’t care, what kind of impression is this making? If you are impatient, what does it really convey? You want to send the message that it’s important to you, while also giving the customer your complete attention to discussing his situation.

In the office, you want to be the person who can take your boss’ mistakes, and make recommendations about what needs to be done in order to prevent any more problems. If you show this way of taking ownership, you will be displaying a message that you are taking the initiative to improve your work. But often, we get someone else to stick it through to the end, without us saying what should have been done in the first place. If you are meeting with people daily, and showing them that you are interested in their situation, you will be shown as a leader who truly cares. Allow yourself to have your voice and don’t leave the customer hanging.